Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. குற்றச்சாட்டினின்றும் விடுதலை, மன்னிப்பு.

Ab`so*lu"tion, n. Etym: [F. absolution, L. absolutio, fr. absolvere to absolve. See Absolve.] 1. An absolving, or setting free from guilt, sin, or penalty; forgiveness of an offense. "Government . . . granting absolution to the nation." Froude. 2. (Civil Law) Defn: An acquittal, or sentence of a judge declaring and accused person innocent. [Obs.] 3. (R. C. Ch.) Defn: The exercise of priestly jurisdiction in the sacrament of penance, by which Catholics believe the sins of the truly penitent are forgiven. Note: In the English and other Protestant churches, this act regarded as simply declaratory, not as imparting forgiveness. 4. (Eccl.) Defn: An absolving from ecclesiastical penalties, -- for example, excommunication. P. Cyc. 5. The form of words by which a penitent is absolved. Shipley. 6. Delivery, in speech. [Obs.] B. Jonson. Absolution day (R. C. Ch.), Tuesday before Easter.

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